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Proverbs 22:6- "Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." 


Here at Stars of Abraham Christian Learning Center we are a faith-based childcare center committed to working in partnership with families nurturing the child's growth by providing learning experiences for the children to develop a sense of security, self-worth, and moral values with Biblical principles. 


Its our philosophy to nurture and support all aspects of a child's development. Our programs are designed to meet the needs of the whole child including; social, emotional , intellectual, physical and spiritual needs. We provide developmentally appropriate activities and experiences in order for our children to develop; positive self-esteem, self-help skills, self-control, self-regulation, good nutrition, gross and fine motor skills, and to encourage self-initiated (child led) learning through exploration. Most of all we want children to feel safe and healthy; feel good about themselves; feel valued; and experience pride and self confidence. 

Goals and Values

1. To treat each child, parent, volunteer and staff member with dignity and respect. 

2. To create an enriching environment that supports children, family and staff in their development.

3. To provide a safe and healthy environment where children, families and staff can love, laugh, and grow through positive experiences.  

4. To help each child develop socially acceptable expression of emotions through the learning of language and communication skills.

5. To help children develop independence, self-control, self-esteem, and have a positive attitude towards life by providing positive activities that stimulate thinking, curiosity and creativity.

 6. To allow time for children to have a balance of group time ,individual quiet time, and a balance of both gross and fine motor activities. 

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